ÍNCLITA was born in September 2022 in relation to a Master’s Thesis in Design Engineering. Thanks to the support received from friends, family and other relatives, we decided to formalize the brand and start presenting ourselves officially.
Our designs are inspired by the architectural heritage of cities, currently the city of València, in order to make them stand out and realize what we have and must love and protect. We are aware of the importance of our heritage: it is history, it is culture, it is past, present and future, it is our source of creation.
Local design and production, on a small scale, made with love in the city of València for its people and those visitors it welcomes.

The Llotja de la Seda or Merchants of València also inspired our name. In the columnar hall of the building you can read a Latin inscription speaking of the virtues of the building and the virtues of good commerce, beginning with this word, ínclita:
Inclita domus sum annis aedificata quindecim. Gustate et videte concives quoniam bona est negotiatio, quae non agit dolum in lingua, quae jurat próximo et non deficit, quae pecuniam non dedit ad usuram eius. Mercator sic agens divitiis redundabit, et tandem vita fructur aeterna.